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We are revamping our volunteer program for 2019...please check in towards the end of 2018.....


Completed a Permaculture Design Course and need some experience? Travelling the world and need a safe place to stay ? Need experience and credits towards a university degree? Get all of this and more as you design , implement and bring to completion a permaculture project. Or simply show up and lend a cover some of our costs of having more people  on this farm we charge a fee of US$..... per week for the first 4 weeks and US$....  per week for any time after that.

This covers your room and board while you are on the farm. Cooking duties are shared between all the persons on the farm.  Accomodation is in shared basic wooden houses or containers with outdoor showers and compost toilets. 


Come to us with an idea that you are passionate about or let us suggest something. Wa Samaki Ecosystems offers endless opportunities for edible landscapes, aquaculture, small animal systems (we really need some help to begin this), alternative fuels and housing designs, reafforestation, forest enrichment and wildlife conservation, water harvesting and wetland design. 


Some of the work that you do here may qualify you for credits towards a degree you are persuing. Send us the necessary paperwork for us to help you along ....

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